Get organized for just $9.99!
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Calling all YouTubers!

Where do you plan your upcoming videos?

On a piece of paper? A word doc filed in your computer… somewhere?

Or do you wait until you’re finally posting your video before you figure out the title, description, tags ​and everything else?

Introducing the content calendar designed specifically for YouTubers:

Vital Video Planner

Calling all YouTubers!

Where do you plan your upcoming videos?

On a piece of paper? A word doc filed in your computer… somewhere?

Or do you wait until you’re finally posting your video before you figure out the title, description, tags ​and everything else?

Introducing the content calendar designed specifically for YouTubers:

Vital Video Planner
Get organized for just $9.99!
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Designed for YouTubers
Content calendars that take a one-size-fits-all approach to social media just don't fit our needs on YouTube. We input very specific information for our videos to succeed.
Use it on any device
No more scribbling on random pieces of paper! Access your planner from any device, whether it's your phone, tablet or computer.
Stick to your schedule
With everything clearly mapped out, it's easy to stay accountable to yourself and get those videos posted consistently.

Hi, I'm Tiffany! 

Perhaps we met on my YouTube channel, Tiffany INC, dedicated to helping creators with systems and strategies for success.

But do you know I also have a home improvement channel, where I shoot, edit and post three times a week? It's a LOT to keep organized!

I developed this calendar myself after trying to stick to my YouTube schedule without a system. I was always losing time being disorganized, scratching through scraps of paper trying to find my notes.

This simple calendar/schedule/checklist combo always keeps me on track, even if I have a crazy week with 8 new videos for multiple channels!
Tiffany | Tiffany INC

You need a system.

Not only will a good planner help you stay on  schedule, it will keep you accountable to yourself.
Finally, an all-in-one schedule, calendar and checklist specifically for YouTubers!

This is a
simple, easy to read system I developed from years of producing videos — and as a former TV news journalist, I need systems. I upload 3 times a week for one of my channels, and sometimes our batch shoots result in 6 videos in one session. That’s a lot to keep track of!

But when it’s so simple to organize your information and follow your progress, you’ll find it’s easy to stay on top of your YouTube schedule.

Pre-plan your titles, post dates, keywords and more. Check off your progress as  filming, editing and thumbnails are completed. Focus on each video's call to action. Know what you need to do at a glance.
Start planning your channel for only $9.99!
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You need a system.

Not only will a good planner help you stay on  schedule, it will keep you accountable to yourself.
Finally, an all-in-one schedule, calendar and checklist specifically for YouTubers!

This is a
simple, easy to read system I developed from years of producing videos — and as a former TV news journalist, I need systems. I upload 3 times a week for one of my channels, and sometimes our batch shoots result in 6 videos in one session. That’s a lot to keep track of!

But when it’s so simple to organize your information and follow your progress, you’ll find it’s easy to stay on top of your YouTube schedule.

Pre-plan your titles, post dates, keywords and more. Check off your progress as  filming, editing and thumbnails are completed. Focus on each video's call to action. Know what you need to do at a glance.
Start planning your channel for only $9.99!
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It's called "Vital" because once you start using it, you won't know how you lived without it!

I developed this calendar myself after years of uploading to YouTube without a system. This simple calendar/schedule/checklist combo always keeps me on track, even when I upload multiple times a week!

On sale now for just $9.99!

Immediate access after purchase.
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It's called "Vital" because once you start using it, you won't know how you lived without it!

I developed this calendar myself during years of uploading to YouTube. This simple calendar/schedule/checklist combo always keeps me on track, even when I upload multiple times a week!


How do I use the Vital Video Planner?

All you need is a Google Account. The Vital Video Planner is a custom template for Google Sheets, which is Google’s answer to Excel spreadsheets. It’s free to use and accessible on any device. Plus you can print it out!

How will it be delivered to me?

Once you complete your purchase, you’ll receive an email with the link to your planner.

Can I customize it?

Totally! This calendar is what works for me producing 3+ videos a week (it’s a lot to keep organized) but you may find you want to add an extra column, line, etc. If so, go for it! 

What’s included?

You’ll get immediate access to an organized template that helps you plan each step of shooting videos for YouTube, for every month of the year. It has checkboxes for you to tick off when steps are complete complete and cells and columns dedicated for pertinent planning info.

The Vital Video Planner is amazing for the solo YouTubeneur, but it is 
also very easy to use with a team or share with an editor. It comes with an instructions tab, explaining what to put in each column and how the months are ordered, along with the simple scrolling strategy behind it. Plus I’ve filled in a sample line to make it super simple.

Can I get a refund after purchase?

Due to the digital nature of this template, all sales are final.

Get your Vital Video Planner now!
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© 2021 Tiffany INC